
DIY Sandal-Ready Pedicure

Now that spring has truly sprung, we’re starting to get a hint of what’s to come this summer. You know, the sunshine, the beach, the breezy dresses, the ice-cold drinks, the hats….. and the sandals. Some of you were excited by that last part, and some of you felt a twinge of dread when they thought about exposing their feet to the world. Have you seen that meme “You know it’s time for a pedicure when you can exfoliate one foot with the other”? Yeah. I’m sure that lovely visual can apply to most of us. What can we do though, really? Our feet take the brunt of our hectic lives and daily activities, and usually don’t get more than a quick scrub in the shower.

Wait what– no weekly pedicure?! Heck no! Ain’t no one got time for that!

Well, we hear you, and we’re with you. Which is why this year, we’ve decided to be proactive and prep our feet for summer in the comfort of our own homes. We may even be do it while we update the latest Pearl & Clasp blog 😉  (shhhh…). It’s actually much easier than it sounds, and really fun too! Once your done your feet will feel 5 years younger and your step 10 times lighter, trust us. Ready to get started? Here’s what you need!

1/4 cup listerine (we’ve heard the blue one is most effective)

1/4 vinegar

1/2 hot water


Alrighty, so all you need to do is combine the first three ingredients in a foot bath (what is that, you ask? It’s any plastic container you find lying around your house!) Mix it up and soak your feet for a good 10-15 minutes, until the water is cold and your feet look like prunes. Then gently towel of your feet and wipe with the washcloth- voila! The dead skin will peel right off!

Next treat yourself to a quick foot massage+ moisturizer with your favorite oil or moisturizing cream. Make sure to really work it into the skin, especially in the areas that are prone to dryness like the heel and the toes. Finally, grab your favorite nail polish color and bedazzle those toes. The whole process should take about 20-30 minutes max, and the results will blow you away. Now that your feet are sandal-ready, consider a toe ring, anklet or other piece of jewelry to really highlight how spectacular they look. Go get ’em ladies!

Until next time,



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